Profitable Energy Solutions

for Canadian Industry

Aerial photo of industrial complex through fog

Arder Energy provides Canadian industrial clients with profitable and resilient energy solutions for their heat & power demand. We focus on assets in Western Canada.

Our team has decades of Energy project development experience. We know first hand the importance of rigorous analysis, meticulous planning and focused execution - and keeping things simple.

Analysis: An integrated analysis across electricity and heat domains is key to delivering a solution optimized for overall cost, reliability and emissions intensity. This includes contractual commitments for electricity and natural gas, demand profiles, behind-the-meter generation and electrification potential,  emissions costs, and more.

Solution: Through a detailed understanding of client requirements, technical options and local market conditions, we  then offer data-centric recommendations based on a robust and transparent proprietary model. We focus on “low-hanging fruit” with short payback periods, while outlining the more strategic, longer-term opportunities.

Development: We support clients seeking cost-effective steam supply without Scope 1 emissions via  Electro-Thermal Energy Storage (ETES) systems as either independent consultants or project developers. We use Rondo Energy’s heat batteries - robust, reliable and inherently safe. New to Canada, this thermal storage solution holds material potential for industrial competitiveness and resilience.

Analysis & Solution

  • Market Insights

    Understanding market fundamentals and developments is key to a robust forward-looking strategy. Our proprietary analytics tools provide the necessary insights into gas & power market dynamics.

    Price Heat Map for AB power pool
  • Client Data

    Client data - electricity & heat demand profiles, existing take-or-pay commitments, growth plans, … - informs the option space and ensures optimization to the client’s priorities.

    Heat Map visualization
  • Recommendations

    Clients receive a detailed and transparent analysis with data-centric recommendations, clearly outlining “low-hanging fruit” with short payback periods and strategic longer-term opportunities.

    Histograms of simulated economic results


  • Image of a Refinery

    Refining & Petrochemicals

    Optimized steam and power supply for refineries and petrochemical plants lowers energy costs, demand charges and scope 1 emissions, creating further opportunities through fuel emissions standards.

  • Aerial photo of oil sands assets

    Oil Sands

    Oil Sands in-situ production, mining & froth treatment, and upgrading assets are the largest heat users in Alberta. ETES units can help to cost-effectively decarbonize steam generation. They are well suited for integration with Cogen units, mitigating curtailment risks.

  • Mining Truck


    Mine sites not only have high energy demand, but often also disproportionately high costs due to their remote location. This creates opportunities for cost savings via integrated supply & storage solutions for power and heat demand.

  • Image of gas plant with Heat Recovery Steam Generator

    Gas Processing

    Gas processing plants often require significant quantities of steam, in particular for acid gas removal processes. ETES units can provide significant emissions reductions at competitive costs.

  • Image of industrial pipes

    Carbon Capture & Storage

    CCS facilities require significant quantities of steam for sorbent regeneration. ETES units generate the steam emissions-free, reducing complexity, Capex and Opex.

  • Corn


    Reducing the carbon intensity of power and heat required for biofuel manufacturing can be particularly economically attractive, e.g. due to Clean Fuel Regulation (CFR) credits.

  • Fertilizer

    Fertilizer Production

    Energy is a major cost driver in fertilizer production, and exports may become subject to Carbon Border Adjustment Mechanisms. Low-emissions heat and power solutions create significant cost reduction opportunities.

  • Image of a coastline with a paper mill in the background

    Pulp & Paper

    Pulp & paper manufacturers often utilize gas-fired boilers to provide the required process steam. ETES units can be integrated to lower both emissions and production costs.

  • Image of a food factory

    Food manufacturing

    Emissions-free ETES units provide a cost-effective pathway toward meeting corporate goals and enabling premium product pricing for heat-intensive food manufacturing processes.

Thermal Storage Technology

We utilize Electro-Thermal Energy Storage (ETES) systems from Rondo Energy. These ETES units use electricity intermittently to charge a heat battery via electric resistance heating. The heat battery consists of refractory bricks, which store heat at up to 1,500 degrees Celsius. The heat is then discharged 24/7, or as otherwise required, into an industry-standard Heat Recovery Steam Generator (HRSG), which generates steam that can then be used in industrial processes. It’s a safe, robust, scalable system, utilizing components that have been used in the steel industry for decades. (Image: Rondo Energy)


Arder’s roots are in the LNG industry, and keeping a broad perspective is synergistic to developing cross-domain energy solutions. We therefore continue to provide tailored LNG consultingLNG training, and market insights via our LNG Blog.

And we will leverage our LNG project experience for the successful delivery of industrial power and heat solutions.

LNG carrier in arctic waters